How Long Does One Hit of Weed Stay in Your System

Metabolism controls the rate at which THC and cannabinoids are broken down in the body, and this is done via enzymes. Genetics plays an important factor because there are certain genes that produce or stimulate the correct enzymes responsible for breaking down THC and cannabinoids. Therefore, metabolism and genetics go hand in hand for this process to work perfectly. Wax pens are better at getting a person a quick high, although the high is not as long-lasting as a high from a joint.

  • And that illicit chemical is rapidly metabolized by your body when you smoke weed.
  • If you believe you are addicted to smoking or ingesting marijuana, it’ll be wise to seek treatment.
  • But then again, finding people who didn’t give in to the allure of marijuana is a hard job.
  • As with other drugs, the presence of cannabis in the body can be detected through drug tests.
  • Fearing this, people often wonder how long does THC take to get out of your system.

The result is a much slower and more sustained “trickle” of THC and other cannabinoids (such as CBD) into your system, hence a slower and more sustained high. THC is the most psychoactive compound produced by the cannabis plant. THC, along with many other cannabinoids and terpenes, is absorbed when cannabis is vaped, smoked, or ingested. There are tons of “tips and tricks” floating around the Internet that claim to help users flush the presence of THC and marijuana out of their system faster. There are also products that you can buy in smoke shops that claim to beat the test. Keep in mind that hair tests are meant more to check for habitual use of marijuana, and if you only smoke once or on occasion, the test shouldn’t be able to detect any usage.

How long does it take to detox from marijuana?

For example, a single dose of weed can stay in your system for up to 13 days, depending on the type of test used. If you rarely smoke weed or only have a few puffs, it will leave your system more quickly than if you use marijuana frequently or heavily. The amount of time marijuana remains in your system depends on many factors, such as how much THC is in the marijuana, how often you use, how much you use, and your metabolism. If you’re a daily user, the drug can remain in your system for up to a month or longer. A 2017 review suggests that weed may be detectable in urine for 5 to 7 days after last use when used moderately (four times per week).

how long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs

Keep in mind that if your weed use consists of just that one hit just that one time, you probably won’t trigger any significant THC alarms. If you are worried about passing a drug test, the best thing you can do is invest in a trusted detox program to help you flush your system quickly. No matter what your timeline or how much THC you’ve consumed, Pass Your Test has the perfect kit to help you detox. As with all detox efforts, our body has a better chance of functioning optimally when we are healthy. That means staying hydrated with clean water, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining an active lifestyle. These factors work together to determine how quickly you can detox from THC.


The exact length of the time cannabis can be detected in the body depends on the frequency of usage and quantity you are consuming. Basically, the 30 days most people cite for how long weed stays in your system is an imperfect benchmark. For blood and saliva, though, it will be detectable for no more than a week. Urine and hair, of course, are a totally different story. Weed can stay in your urine and hair for a long time if you’re a chronic user.

how long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs

If you’re not a frequent user, the amount of time is far shorter. The effects of marijuana fade quickly, but the drug can last in the body for weeks and sometimes longer. The short-lived effect of THC does not prevent evidence of marijuana from lingering in your body. For as long as the chemical exists in your body, you risk failing a drug test.

Detox Kits vs Detox Drinks

You’ll need a lot of food rich in fiber and antioxidants so stick to fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to detox faster. Consumption method is very important when it how long does weed stay in your system comes to cannabis testing. THC sweat patches are applied to the skin and are usually worn from 7 to 14 days. After that period, patches are taken off for testing.

how long does weed stay in your system after a couple of puffs

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