How To Communicate Most Effectively With Each Enneagram Type

For example, if you love to go to parties you might not want to date a type five. This isn’t to say that you couldn’t find a healthy type five that would enjoy a good party, though. You can have a great relationship with any combination of type.

The Enneagram is a model of the human psyche that is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types. It can feel pretty devastating to the beloved when they find out that their Six doesn’t really trust them. If you are a type five, you love to learn and to teach what you’ve learned to others.

All nine Enneagram personalities are either a Gut Type, a Heart Type, or a Head Type. While every person uses all three at different times, they also have one dominant center. As their name suggests, Gut Types tend to act based on their natural instincts.

To resolve issues in ways that both parties can be satisfied with, you need to find a compromise and own each of your parts in the issue, as well as the resolution. But to do that, the first step for Type One is to recognize that neither partner is 100 percent in the right or the wrong in most situations. Type One prides themselves on being responsible and serious-minded. Deep down, however, they want to be able to let go and be a little silly. Dating can be a lot of fun, but not if you aren’t willing to just relax and be present.

Enneagram 9 Compatibility

However, there are areas where Type 9 and Type 1 traits clash. Type 1s are very detail-oriented and often want things done in a very specific way. It’s important for 9w1s to speak up when they feel strongly about something to avoid simmering feelings of anger down the line. Each Enneagram type has two adjacent wings, one of which is more dominant than the other in each Type 9 person. When you take your Enneagram test, you’ll learn which wing is dominant for you. Although they don’t have as large an impact as your actual Enneagram type, wings still affect your personality and behavior.

Expressing Their Affections is Hard

Their biggest goal is simply to find harmony within themselves and the world around them, which can make them amazing at bringing people together. They can find common ground when it is needed and work to bring groups together and help them get along. This makes them skilled at being mediators or counselors, since they naturally know how to ease tensions and make people comfortable around them. This is something which often begins at childhood, nines knowing naturally how to get along with everyone without causing tension or being disliked by anyone.

How to Be Better in your Relationship as an Enneagram 2

You can count on them to be there for you in your most stressful moments. They will want to talk about your problems, struggles, and happy moments. Enneagram 2s will care for those they love with everything they have.

How To Communicate Most Effectively With Each Enneagram Type

They like clearly-defined roles and are responsible, cautious, and protective, which can lead to feelings of suspicion, paranoia, anxiety, and fear. Helpers are empathetic, warm, kind, understanding, and compassionate. Helpers struggle with always giving to others, sometimes forgetting to see that their needs are met. It’s important to reiterate that the purpose of the Enneagram is not to pigeonhole each personality into one type. Thus, taking the Enneagram test doesn’t necessarily label personality but provides tools and insights to help people better understand themselves and each other. Once you’ve found your place on the Enneagram, the two adjacent strategies next to yours, known as « wings, » also influence overall personality.

Their moodiness can hinder them, and they have a fear of being flawed. Unique spirits, they can be envious of others if they believe the other lives are less complicated than their own. This also means that they can struggle with jealous feelings, which can be a strain on their relationships. Type 4s often do not feel confident enough to work through obstacles.

While type 2s are very helpful, they also need a lot of validation. They want to know that they are appreciated for the shift they put in. When this does not come, an enneagram 2 in love will start to feel like they are not valued in the relationship.

There are lots of quizzes you can take online, but if you’re just looking for a quick assessment, we’ve got one for you. Read through each of them and, if you feel that eight or more of the statements describe you well, then you’re likely a Type 9. The Six will be a dependable partner, ready to help you out in any way you need. I call my husband my “Life Technical Adviser” because he is very practical and able to help me in a million ways with technology and other issues I can’t figure out. When I do a live event, he is my camera man and facilities expert, setting up chairs and checking the lighting. That’s the kind of person you could spend your whole life with.

If you’re in a relationship with a Six, you probably won’t find yourself questioning their commitment, though. They’ll be the one in the relationship who consistently asks, “But how are you really doing? ” If you need a shoulder to cry on, they’ll listen with empathy. Sixes care, which means they make for supportive and thoughtful partners.

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